South Korean software tycoon Ahn Cheol-soo roars back into contention for president

South Korean software mogul, Ahn Cheol-soo, clinches his centrist People's Party nomination to run for president.(photo grabbed from Reuters video)
South Korean software mogul, Ahn Cheol-soo, clinches his centrist People’s Party nomination to run for president.(Grabbed from Reuters video)

SEOUL, South Korea (Reuters) — South Korean software mogul Ahn Cheol-soo clinched the nomination of his centrist People’s Party on Tuesday (April 4) to run for president on May 9, roaring back into contention after abandoning his presidential ambitions in 2012.

Ahn has taken a tougher stance on national security than the liberal frontrunner for president, Moon Jae-in, who won his Democratic Party’s nomination on Monday (April 3). Ahn said there should be no mistake about the dangers presented by North Korea.

He has vowed to level the playing field for small businesses and large conglomerates, and to provide equal opportunity for young people from all backgrounds to breathe fresh life into an economy showing signs of stuttering under the weight of corruption scandals.

Park Geun-hye was dismissed as president in March and has been impeached in a corruption scandal that has sucked in a number of business conglomerates and transfixed the country for months.