SWS: Majority of Filipinos back President Duterte’s martial law declaration in Mindanao

(Eagle News) — A majority of Filipinos back President Rodrigo Duterte’s declaration of martial law in Mindanao, based on a recent Social Weather Stations survey.

Of the 92% of Filipino adults who know about Duterte’s declaration, 57% agreed it was the right decision, 29% said that martial law should have been declared only for Marawi City and Lanao del Sur, and 11% said that it should have been declared only for Marawi City,  Lanao del Sur, and nearby provinces.

The SWS survey was done via face to face interviews of 1,200 adults (18 years old and above) nationwide—300 each in Metro Manila, Balanced Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao from June 23 to 26.

Sampling error margins were pegged at ±3% for national percentages, and ±6% each for Metro Manila, Balanced Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

Sixty three percent, however, disagreed martial law should be expanded to the Visayas in the SWS survey, with 23 percent agreeing it should be expanded there, and 13 percent undecided.

The non-commissioned survey also found that 67% did not want martial law expanded to Luzon.

Twenty percent said it should be expanded there, while 13% were undecided.
