Syrians claim Russian airstrikes hit Latakia and Idlib in Syria

Syrians in rebel-held territory uploaded videos on Sunday (October 4) alleging to show the aftermath of Russian airstrikes.

It was not clear how the Syrians in rebel areas who filmed the incidents knew the planes carrying out the strikes were Russian. The Russians are unpopular with Syrians opposed to the government of Bashar al-Assad because of Moscow’s close ties to the Damascus government.

In one of the clips, columns of thick smoke can be seen rising from what is said to be Heesh after being targeted by aistrikes as a voice on the video is heard accusing Russia for the attack.

“Appropriating Syria’s lands. God is greatest. [they] target civilians. God is greatest. The Russian airforce appropriates Syrian lands and targets peaceful civilians so coldly. We will not say where are the Muslims because God is with us. God is greatest and glory to God,” said to voice.

Russia‘s Defence Ministry said on Monday (October 5) that Russia’s air force had made 25 flights in Syria in the past 24 hours and hit nine Islamic State targets.

Su-34, Su-24M and Su-25 planes took part in the strikes in the past 24 hours, it said. Air force planes hit three Islamic State targets in Homs province.

Russian airstrikes in Syria had been planned months in advance and will be successful because of their coordination with the Syrian military, Syria’s foreign minister was quoted as saying by state news agency SANA.

“Without a doubt, Russia will win this race,” Walid al-Moualem said in an interview with Lebanon-based channel al-Mayadeen, according to a preview of his comments published on SANA.

“I have no doubt at all and the reason behind that is practical and simple, it is because Russia is coordinating with the Syrian Arab Army, which is the only force in Syria that is confronting terrorism,” Moualem said.

Russia has established a centre in Iraq, involving also Syria and Iran, to coordinate and to exchange information, he added. (Reuters)