Thai authorities arrest three activists, abduct student leader

Thai authorities arrested a group of activists wanted for attempting to demonstrate against the military last month, police said on Thursday, the latest arrest of dissidents in the junta-ruled country.

Soldiers detained one student activist from the New Democracy opposition group late on Wednesday and police arrested a further three members of the group on Thursday (January 21).

They were the latest arrests by the army, which took power in a May 2014 coup and has since curbed basic freedoms and cracked down on critics.

The junta, known as the National Council for Peace and Order, has defended the need to curb criticism at a politically sensitive time for the country.

Sirawith Serithiwat, a student leader, said he was whisked away from a university campus north of Bangkok on Wednesday (January 20) night.

He and the three other activists detained on Thursday are wanted by police for attempting to protest against alleged corruption in an army-built park.

In a video taken at a police station, Sirawith said he was blindfolded and dragged through grass by authorities before being kicked and hit.

“When I was taken in the car my face was covered and they used a rope to cover my eyes so I could not see anything. The car drove for a long while and took many turns and made about 20 u-turns. And then they dragged me into a grassy area,” Sirawith said.

Colonel Winthai Suvaree, a spokesman for the junta, denied authorities mistreated Sirawith.

The other three activists were arrested at a police station where they were protesting against Sirawith’s abduction.

A lawyer for the students said they will be detained for about seven days before formal charges are filed.

Police and soldiers last month temporarily detained dozens of students trying to protest against alleged army corruption involving the multi-million-dollar Rajabhakti Park, built in the seaside resort town of Hua Hin south of Bangkok.

A defense ministry team looking into allegations of corruption at the park said last month it had found financial irregularities in the project but had no authority to investigate wrongdoing.

The park, a sprawling concrete plaza showcasing seven giant bronze statues of former Thai kings, has been at the center of graft allegations by some Thai media and opposition groups, including irregularities in fundraising events and lack of fiscal transparency. (Reuters)