Trump calls for tougher stance against U.S. enemies, shares pigs’ blood story

Trump calls for tougher stance against U.S. enemies, shares pigs' blood story (Photo grabbed from Reuters video)
Trump calls for tougher stance against U.S. enemies, shares pigs’ blood story (Photo grabbed from Reuters video)


PAWLEY’S ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA, UNITED STATES  (Reuters) — Republican presidentialcandidate Donald Trump said on Friday (February 19) the U.S. needed to take a tougher stance against its enemies and relayed an unconfirmed story about a U.S. general who used ammunition dipped in pig’s blood to execute enemies, MSNBC reported.

Trump shared what has been a called a “myth” about General John Pershing during a campaign stop in Pawley’s Island, South Carolina, MSNBC reported.

MSNBC reported on their website, according to the myth, Pershing “summarily executed dozens of Muslim prisoners in the Philippines with tainted ammunition during a guerilla war against the occupying United States.”

“He caught 50 terrorists who did tremendous damage and killed many people,” Trump said.

According to Trump, General Pershing then ordered his men to take 50 bullets and dip them in pig’s blood and load their rifles.

“He lined up to 50 people and they shot 49 of those people and to the 50th person, he said, ‘You go back to your people. And you tell them what happened’ For 25 years there wasn’t a problem. OK. Twenty-five years, there wasn’t a problem,” Trump said to cheers from the crowd.