Trump decries media portrayal of his Iowa result

Donald Trump, the New York businessman seeking the Republican U.S. presidential nomination, said on Tuesday (February 2) he felt “a tinge” of disappointment after losing to Texas Senator Ted Cruz in the Iowa caucuses.

Asked before a rally in Milford, New Hampshire on Tuesday (February 2) evening if he planned to change his campaign strategy, Trump told a news conference he felt confident in his methods, but he was adding more town hall-style events.

When he took the stage before more than a thousand people, Trump’s swagger had returned. He criticized the media for focusing more on Rubio’s third-place showing than his second, calling journalists “miserable people” and encouraging the crowd to boo them.

“He’s a senator does this stuff for a living is a professional politician, he comes in third, I come in second. Trump – no good. Rubio unbelievable right. Unbelievable victory unbelievable, think of it you got to think of it,” Trump told supporters during the campaign rally.

“Marco spent a lot almost three hundred dollars per vote but at least he had a pretty good result. He came in third. No no he had a fantastic result unbelievable unbelievable he came in third. The guy that came in second terrible not terrible terrible night. Dishonest people,” Trump added as he pointed to journalists covering his rally.

In the weeks before the Iowa caucuses, Trump held leads in almost every statewide and national poll though his dominance in Iowa wobbled after Cruz won a key endorsement from a local evangelical Christian leader.

Cruz bested Trump with 28 percent of caucus-goers’ pledges on Monday compared to Trump’s 24 percent. Florida Senator Marco Rubio came in a close third with 23 percent. (Reuters)

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