Trump demands closure of Clinton Foundation

(FILES) This file photo taken on August 20, 2016 shows Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump taking the stage for a campaign event at Fredericksburg Expo Center August 20, 2016 in Fredericksburg, Virginia.  Donald Trump urged Bill and Hillary Clinton August 22, 2016 in closing the Clinton Foundation that has raised some $ 2 billion since its inception, trying to portray her rival in the presidential election as a venal and corrupt woman. "The Clintons have spent decades in their pockets by taking care of their donors instead of Americans," said the Republican candidate for the White House in a statement. "It is now apparent that the Clinton Foundation is now the most corrupt political history." "It should be closed immediately," added Trump.  / AFP PHOTO / MOLLY RILEY
(FILES) This file photo taken on August 20, 2016 shows Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump taking the stage for a campaign event at Fredericksburg Expo Center August 20, 2016 in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Donald Trump urged Bill and Hillary Clinton August 22, 2016 in closing the Clinton Foundation that has raised some $ 2 billion since its inception, trying to portray her rival in the presidential election as a venal and corrupt woman. “The Clintons have spent decades in their pockets by taking care of their donors instead of Americans,” said the Republican candidate for the White House in a statement. “It is now apparent that the Clinton Foundation is now the most corrupt political history.” “It should be closed immediately,” added Trump.

WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) – Donald Trump on Monday demanded that Hillary Clinton shut down the charitable foundation run by her husband, former US president Bill Clinton, branding it a “corrupt enterprise.”

“The Clintons have spent decades as insiders lining their own pockets and taking care of donors instead of the American people,” the Republican presidential candidate said in a statement.

“It is now clear that the Clinton Foundation is the most corrupt enterprise in political history,” Trump said, blasting the charity, which has raised some two billion dollars over the years.

Speaking a short time later on Fox News, Trump said the foundation had received financial contributions from various countries “that discriminated against women and gays and everybody else.”

That remark was an apparent allusion to various nations seen as having checkered histories on human rights, Saudi Arabia among them, that made generous donations to the foundation while Clinton served as President Barack Obama’s secretary of state between 2009 and 2013.

“I mean, that money — it should be given back. they should not take that money,” Trump told Fox.

The Clinton Foundation, created by the former president in 2001 after his departure from the White House, disburses funds domestically and overseas, handing out some 218 million dollars in 2014.

But questions have been raised about possible conflicts of interest while Clinton, currently the Democratic presidential nominee, worked as secretary of state in the Obama administration.

A firewall was supposed to have been in place to ensure that the foundation’s work remained completely separate from Hillary Clinton’s role as head of US diplomacy, but critics said that that barrier has been permeable at best.

Concerns were raised anew after emails surfaced recently showing that a close aide to Bill Clinton, Doug Band, contacted two senior aides of Hillary Clinton’s at the State Department, seeking their assistance in helping a donor — Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire Gilbert Chagoury — secure a meeting with a US diplomat in Lebanon.

Bill Clinton sought to tamp down the controversy, announcing last week that — if his wife is elected president in November — he would no longer accept foreign or corporate donations, and would step away from the board of the foundation.

The former president said additional measures would also be taken to shore up the divide between the foundation and the White House under a Hillary Clinton presidency.

“Much of the foundation’s international work, like that of most global NGOs, is funded in part by donor governments’ bilateral aid programs. If Hillary is elected, we will transition those programs out of the foundation to other organizations committed to continuing their work,” the former president said in a statement on Monday.

Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign manager, told CNN on Sunday that the additional safeguards were “unprecedented… in terms of disclosure and limits.”

Mook also urged the public to keep in mind the “important, lifesaving work” that it has done over the years.

“Over 10 million people around the world get important AIDS medication, lifesaving AIDS and HIV medication because of the foundation,” Mook said, adding that “the foundation has reduced the cost of malaria drugs by 90 percent.”

But Judicial Watch, a conservative group which has targeted Hillary Clinton for years, on Monday released a new trove of emails by the former first lady, including some purporting to show that various donors to the Clinton foundation lobbied a top Hillary Clinton aide, Huma Abedin, for access to the former first lady.

The emails were released by a judge after the group made the request that they be made public under US freedom of information laws.

The new email exchanges appeared to show that another rich donor, Casey Wasserman, asked Bill Clinton aide Doug Band to contact Abedin for help in setting up a meeting with diplomatic officials in London, raising fresh questions about special favors for top Clinton Foundation donors.