Turkey to inform NATO allies on fight against Islamic State

(Reuters) — Turkey will seek moral support for its campaign against militants in Syria and in Iraq at an emergency meeting on Tuesday (July 28) with its military allies, NATO said, playing down any idea that Ankara would call for help from the alliance.

Turkey asked for urgent consultations with its 27 NATO partners in Brussels after Ankara intensified its role in the U.S.-led fight against Islamic State, also striking Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) camps in Iraq at the weekend.

The meeting of NATO ambassadors will be held under Article 4 of NATO’s founding treaty, which permits a member of the 28-nation alliance to ask for consultations with other allies when it feels its security is threatened.

Ankara twice invoked Article 4 in 2012 to ask for consultations with its NATO allies over the Syria conflict.

However, during the preparations for Tuesday’s meeting, Turkey did not request any air or troop support from its NATO allies, according to people with knowledge of the discussions.