U.S. lawmakers observe Orlando ‘moment of silence’ before feuding over gun policy

The U.S. House of Representatives erupted in shouting on Monday (June 13) after lawmakers held a moment of silence to honor the victims of the Orlando mass shooting as Democrats protested the Republican-led chamber’s refusal to consider tighter gun regulations.

Speaker Paul Ryan, the House’s Republican leader, called for the moment of silence, which was observed by lawmakers. When it ended, representative James Clyburn asked for recognition to ask about guns.

“I am really concerned that we have just today, had a moment of silence and later this week…” Clyburn began, before being interrupted by Ryan.

Clyburn, the number three House Democrat, is from South Carolina, where a gunman killed nine people at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church a year ago on Friday.

Ryan ruled Clyburn out of order, and the chamber erupted with shouts of “No Leadership,” and chants of “Where’s the bill? Where’s the bill? Where’s the bill?” from Democrats.

Several Democrats have said they were frustrated that Congress does not respond to mass shootings with more than symbolic gestures.

A “moment of silence on the floor of the U.S. Senate was observed without incident.

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2016