U.S. President Barack Obama arrives in Manila for APEC summit


U.S. President Barack Obama arrived in Manila on Tuesday (November 17), a day before the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit Leaders’ Meeting.

Stepping out of Air Force One at the Balagbag private airstrip, Obama was met by U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines Philip Goldberg, Philippine Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin, and other Filipino officials.

Later on Tuesday, Obama is scheduled to conduct a tour of the BRP Gregorio del Pilar, a decommissioned Hamilton-class cutter that was provided to the Philippine Navy under the U.S. government’s Foreign Assistance Act.

Obama is also expected to hold talks with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

The U.S. president is expected to spend three nights in the Philippines. He is scheduled to speak at a business conference and attend the APEC Leaders’ Meeting which starts on Wednesday (November 18). (Reuters)