UN envoy says humanitarian efforts in Myanmar still minimal, unacceptable

U.N. special envoy on the human rights situation in Myanmar, Yanghee Lee, said on Friday (January 16) that some advancements had been made in addressing the serious humanitarian and human rights issues she saw in Rakhine State in July 2014, but she added that much more needed to be done.

“In my view the situation remains at crisis stage. Humanitarian access is still minimal and high risk,” Lee told reporters in Yangon.

She said further that the lives of the internally displaced people (IDPs) who have received their citizenship cards in Myebon camp have not changed.

“They remain inside the camp with minimum food rations, limited access to health care and to other essential services,” she added.

Lee stated that concerns regarding the treatment against ethnic minorities remain, citing ongoing arrests and prosecutions of people exercising their rights to peaceful assembly and association, including in relation to land confiscation, environmental degradation and constitutional reform.

She said there are signs that the situation may have even worsened,

“I do not regard this as an acceptable situation. The severe curtailment of the rights of the IDPs in conditions of detention, with limited access to essential services must be immediately addressed,” she added.

Hundreds of protesters led by Buddhist monks rallied in Myanmar on Friday to denounce a visit by a human rights envoy of the United Nations, which has urged the government to grant citizenship to persecuted Rohingya Muslims.

Crowds roared and pumped their fists in the air as Ashin Wirathu, an extremist monk known for railing against Muslims, delivered an impassioned speech inYangon attacking the U.N. and its Special Rapporteur Yanghee Lee who is concluding a 10-day visit to the country.

The scenes demonstrate a surge in Buddhist nationalism in Myanmar, where monks carry considerable influence and were revered for their moral integrity during the five decades when the country was under brutal and corrupt military rule.

Protests were outlawed until the civilian-led government that took office in 2011 lifted the ban. But that has given rise to a Buddhist movement that has taken aim at Muslims, who make up about 5 percent of Myanmar’s population of 53 million.

Sectarian violence since June 2012 has killed at least 240 people, mostly Muslims. The Rohingya are the worst affected. At least 140,000 were driven from their homes in western Rakhine state, where Lee faced similar protests last week.

The U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution in November urging Myanmar’s government to protect and grant citizenship to the Rohingyas, who number about 1.1 million.

The U.N. call was rebuffed and caused outrage in the Buddhist-majority country, where many reject the name “Rohingya” and see them as illegal Bangladeshi immigrants.

Some protesters on Friday dismissed them as “terrorists”, echoing some Myanmar officials who believe militant elements are among them, a claim Rohingya leaders refute.

“If you (Yanghee Lee) love them (Muslims) so much, you bring all your Kalar (Muslims) to your country,” said protest leader Wirathu.

Demonstrators held signs and wore shirts saying “stand together against Islam”, with a cross over the U.N. logo.

Signs were held saying: “Kick Rohin-liars out”.

The issue is a political hot potato for President Thein Sein, who was lauded internationally for his wide-ranging reforms but is now accused of being indifferent to the Rohingyas’ plight.

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