Unity Games International 2015 – Volleyball

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Event: Volleyball- Men (Kadiwa)
Venue: Ultra
Photographer: Ian Carlo Villaruz
Contributor/Blogger: Iain Jeleica Lucero

Group shot of Players from Australia.


Warm up of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Team before the designated game; First Serve coming from UAE team

The entrance parade of players from Canada

Parade- Players from Europe

Supporters from UAE are having a very happy experience

Players are giving their best while playing the game and are having a very great experience.

Team UAE won game one against team Australia

Even though they lose the 1st set, they still manage to win 2 straight sets to win the game. Great game, UAE!
(UAE vs. Canada)

Brethrens cheer hard until the end of the game for their team Canada.
(UAE vs. Canada)

This is what it feels like when you force a 3 Set game to enter the championship.

A really challenging game for both teams but this guy take it cool as he spike it for the win!
(UAE vs USA)


Happiness for entering the championship!

Score: UAE vs. USA

Set 1- UAE 25 – USA 22
Set 2- UAE 21 – USA 25
Set 3- UAE 25 – UAE 22