Virtual makeup for telecommuters

Makeup software developed by Microsoft and Shiseido allows telecommuters to apply virtual makeup so they can make teleconference calls.
Women who hate putting on makeup just to do an online video conference from home might appreciate this solution. Working with Microsoft, Shiseido has developed virtual makeup. Called “TeleBeauty,” the app allows women to choose from four different kinds of makeup looks ranging from “feminine” to “trendy” … with just a click.

Mari Kataoka of Shiseido explains what motivated the company to develop this software.

“Although notions of working women and telework have been promoted recently, there was little action to lower the hurdle in reality.”

Japan’s government has been encouraging companies to adopt more flexible work practices, so they can accommodate women workers who are more likely to take care of children and aging parents. But fewer women still telecommute than men.

Shiseido plans to add more varieties of makeup as it expands overseas. (Reuters)

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