Warrant of Arrest, issued to Enrile

Senator Juan Ponce Enrile has been issued a warrant of arrest with regards to the case of plunder and the pork barrel scam.

Probable cause has been found by the Ombudsman against the veteran Senator, according to the Sandiganbayan Third Division.

Former Chief of Staff Atty. Gigi Reyes and Pork Barrel Scam Janet Lim Napoles, Ronald Lim and John Raymond de Asis were also included to be arrested.

All of Enrile’s pending motions were trashed by the Court including his motion for bail according to Sandiganbayan Third Division Clerk of Court Atty. Dennis Pulma.

It was also further reported that the main reason why the decision making over the finding of the probable cause of the Third Division took longer than expected was due to the extensive study of the 9,000 page documentary evidence against Senator Enrile.

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