By Adriel O. Meimban
(Bro. Adriel O. Meimban is a minister of the Iglesia Ni Cristo)
(Editor’s note: The author explains that the expulsion of Iglesia Ni Cristo ministers and members, including those close to the Church Administration or those who have held high positions in the Church , is not a new thing. He said that since the time of the first INC Executive Minister, Bro. Felix Y. Manalo, erring ministers and members, especially those who cast aspersion on the Church Administration, had been punished with expulsion from the INC.)
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This is to inform and enlighten you about the Bible’s teaching why the doctrine of expulsion is implemented in the Church founded by Christ, the Iglesia Ni Cristo or Church of Christ.
In I Corinthians 5:12-13 it is stated thus: It is not my business to judge those who are not part of the church [outside]. God will judge them. But you must judge the people who are part of the church [inside]. The scripture says, “You must get rid of [expel; remove] the evil person among you.” [Expanded Bible]
Three of the expelled members of the Church in the first-century Church during the time of the apostles were Hymenaeus, Alexander, and Filetus. They were guilty of committing evil or wicked acts because they disobeyed the teachings of God which were being enforced by the Church Administration.
In I Timothy 1:18-20 Apostle Paul declares the following: “Timothy, my child, I am giving you a command [this charge/instruction] that agrees with the prophecies that were given about you in the past. I tell you this so that by following [or recalling; by] them you can fight the good fight. Continue to have faith and do what you know is right. [a good conscience] Some people have rejected this, and their faith has been shipwrecked. Hymenaeus and Alexander have done that, and I have given them [handed them over] to Satan so they will learn not to speak against God.” [Expanded Bible]
Who were Hymenaeus and Alexander? According to the New Bible Dictionary, edited by J.D. Douglas, et. al., second edition, pp. 501,24, 927. Hymenaeus was a pernicious apostate teacher associated with Alexander and Philetus. Paul’s delivery of Hymenaeus and Alexander to Satan recalls I Corinthians 5:5; both passages have been interpreted of excommunication (i.e., surrender to Satan’s sphere) and of the infliction of bodily punishment. The error of Hymenaeus and others was described in clinical terms as “feeding like gangrene”. Alexander is a coppersmith, “a bitter enemy of Paul and the Gospel” who operated in the Ephesus-Troas area. Philetus was a teacher representative of those undermining the Christian doctrine of the resurrection.
In the past 100 year history of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, Church records bear the truth that several wicked Christians have been expelled or removed. Why? Because, just like Alexander, Hymanaeus and Philetus, they disobeyed the Christian teachings, which they have sworn to fulfill prior to baptism and oath of office.
For instance, during the first generation of the Church, in 1919-1920, an evangelical worker, TeofiloOra together with Januario Ponce and Basilio Santiago rose in rebellion against the Messenger and Church doctrines. Specifically, they questioned the God-given authority of the last messenger. Aside from this, they harbored jealousy, hatred, resentment, and envy. Why? They failed to be included in the first ordination of ministers in 1919. Worst, they even fabricated charges of immorality and accusations of anomalies against the Messenger of God, even leading to the apostasy of two locales in Nueva Ecija and Bulacan.
Eventually, in a tribunal presided by Brother Justino Casanova where the accusers and accused faced each other, all the charges hurled were proven to be fabricated and false. They, they were punished with expulsion from the Church.
Then, in the next generation, in the late 1930s, the Church was rocked by a group of rebellious ministers, which included Felix Pineda, Reynaldo Mansilungan, Cirilo Gonzales, and DominadorDatu most of whom held offices as ecclesiastical district ministers and administrative positions of trust. Brethren, officers and co-ministers reported their misdemeanors and irregularities to the Central Office which subsequently conducted investigations.
As per the decision of the Messenger and first Executive Minister, they were summoned by the Church Administration to explain their side. In the end, they were found guilty of betrayal, During the hearings they were not able to prove their allegations against the messenger of God and accusations. They were even found guilty of anomalously misappropriating Church funds.
Then in the early 1950s, in the third generation, we find the first Church Deputy Executive Minister and long-time aide, Teodoro Santiago, together with his two minister-sons resigned from their ministry. Aside from defying the authority of the Messenger, he was reported for unduly wishing for the death of Brother Felix Manalo so he would succeed him upon his death.
He was also reported for abruptly revising worship service schedules to accommodate his hunting hobby. He had nurtured the idea that once the permanent Central Office would be finished, he would also be a resident of the compound. Nurturing resentment, jealousy, and intrigue, he quit his post, thus leaving no other recourse but the circular of expulsion against him and his family.
During the 46-year watch of Brother Erano G. Manalo (1925-2009), the following ministers were expelled because of administrative malpractice and anomalous land purchase transactions. Two ministers were expelled in the 1960s—Alberto Pajanel, district minister and Atty. Lucio Silvestre, minister-administrative secretary to the Executive Minister. In the 1980s, a member of the Church since birth and head deacon, Dr. Melanio Gabriel was expelled because of living an un-Christian way of life, immorality, and defrauding Church funds.
That’s why in the present time, under the five-year stewardship of Brother Eduardo since 2009, it should not be a surprise for us to hear the expulsion even of his immediate relatives such as his mother and siblings. Why? Because of their blatant violation of God’s commandments. They did not conform to the doctrinal precepts taught to every member of the Church.
Is it not that a prospective member voluntarily sign an affidavit accepting each and all 25 doctrinal teachings? Clearly, in Doctrinal Lesson 21, every candidate for baptism affirm that he recognize and submit to the authority of the Church Administration? In openly going out public in the mass media, internet and social media, such as the You Tube posting on July 23, 2015, they have rebelled against the Church and its Administration.
A few ministers such as Isaias Samson, Jr., Luisito Cayabyab, Vincent Florida, EliodoroYuson, Farley de Castro, JovenSepillo, and RoelRosal also followed their devilish path of inciting rebellion and disunity within the ranks of the Church.
Moreover, the expelled members and ministers did not conform to the procedure prescribed in the Bible– that whenever certain misunderstandings arise, they should not bring this outside the Church as written in I Corinthians 6:4-6: “Why, we’re even going to judge angels! So why not these everyday affairs? As these disagreements and wrongs surface, why would you ever entrust them to the judgment of people you don’t trust in any other way? I say this as bluntly as I can to wake you up to the stupidity of what you’re doing. Is it possible that there isn’t one levelheaded person among you who can make fair decisions when disagreements and disputes come up? I don’t believe it. And here you are taking each other to court before people who don’t even believe in God! How can they render justice if they don’t believe in the God of justice? (The Message)
In conclusion, as we look back to the past history of God’s Chosen People in the Church Of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo), we see patterns or cycles of few disobedient members, who in spite of all the prescribed teachings, procedures and regulations, chose for themselves the subversion of God’s will written in the Bible and rebelling against the anointed Administrator placed by God to shepherd the elect towards the attainment of eternal life come the Second Coming of the Savior or the Judgment Day.
Truth to tell, majority of the Iglesia Ni Cristo members are known for their “patient endurance” who wholeheartedly “keep His commands and remain faithful to Jesus”, as attested to by the Lord Jesus Christ in Revelation: 14:13. Their intensive obedience, abiding faithfulness and loyal submission will result to salvation and everlasting life in heaven. The Savior finally declares in Revelation: 14:13, thus: “Then I heard a voice from heaven say “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. “Yes, says the Spirit, ‘They will rest from their labor for their deeds will follow them’ (NIV)
The author Adriel Obar Meimban is a minister working for the Research and Information Department (RAID)
in the Iglesia Ni Cristo Central Office