Wife of MH17 pilot wants justice after report confirms missile brought plane down

The wife of the pilot who was flying MH17 when it was gunned down over eastern Ukraine told Reuters on Tuesday (October 13) that she wants justice to be served to whoever was responsible for the crash.

The plane was shot down over eastern Ukraine by a BUK-missile, the Dutch Safety Board concluded on Tuesday in its final report on the July 2014 crash that killed all 298 people on board.

Ivy Loi, a mother of two, said although she has accepted the death of her husband Eugene Choo, she will only receive closure once the guilty party have been brought to justice.

“The report is out and I want whoever involved being penalised,” Ivy Loi said.

“Like what I said (earlier), closure to me is he won’t come back anymore and just penalised (the culprit), that’s it,” she added.

Forty three Malaysians, including 15 crew members, were killed in the crash.

The tragedy was the second major aviation disaster to hit Malaysia Airlines – just four months after Beijing-bound MH370 disappeared with 239 passengers and crew on board.

Following the disaster, the Malaysian Prime Minister, Najib Razak, condemned the “inhumane” action of the plane’s downing during a special parliament session on July 23, 2014.

With 193 of the dead from the Netherlands, the Dutch have taken a leading role in the international effort to investigate the cause of the crash.

Russia disputes that a BUK may have been used.

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov responded to the Dutch report by saying there had been “an obvious attempt to draw a biased conclusion, and carry out political orders”, according to Russian news agencies. (Reuters)

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