Zookeeper dies in accident in British zoo

A female zoo-keeper died in a "freak accident" in a British zoo on Monday (May 29) after a tiger entered an enclosure, the BBC reported. Photo grabbed from Reuters video file.
A female zoo-keeper died in a “freak accident” in a British zoo on Monday (May 29). from Reuters video file.

HAMERTON, United Kingdom (Reuters) – A female zoo-keeper died in a “freak accident” in a British zoo on Monday (May 29) after a tiger entered an enclosure, the BBC reported.

The incident happened at Hamerton Zoo Park near Cambridge in the English midlands in the morning.

Cambridgeshire Police said a tiger had entered an enclosure with a keeper and the female zoo keeper had died at the scene. Officers said the animal hadn’t escaped the enclosure and the death was not believed to be “suspicious.”

A new enclosure for Malaysian tigers was opened last July.

Visitors were led away from Hamerton Zoo Park, a wildlife park opened in June 1990 that covers some 25 acres.